George Wythe

(December 03, 1726- June 08, 1806)

Known as the “Father of the American Law School,” George Wythe was a professor at the College of William and Mary in Virginia, receiving his first teaching appointment in 1761. Thomas Jefferson was Wythe’s student (starting in 1762) and later law associate. They served together in Congress as Virginia’s representatives with Wythe taking George Washington’s seat upon Washington’s commission as Supreme Commander of the Continental forces in 1775.  Jefferson and Wythe were life-long friends.

In 1779, then-Governor Jefferson appointed Wythe to be the Chair of Law and Policy at William & Mary, a newly created position thus ensuring Wythe’s place in history as America’s first law professor at our nation’s first law school. Wythe’s teachings were believed to have been influential in the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Easter Egg # 7