Book Club discussion: The Enlightened series
Witness to the Revolution
Book one
Throughout the book, Savvy is faced with the choice: does she assist those struggling around her, or does she stand back as a silent witness to the revolution. When was she forced to make these choices? Would you have made the same choices Savvy did?
When the tension between the American colonists and British soldiers grew in 1775, do you think you would have joined the rebellion or remained loyal to the Crown? What aspect of the war, if any, might have changed your mind? Which side would you have chosen by 1778?
What do you think caused Savvy to go back in time?
What aspect of life during the Revolutionary War would you have struggled with the most? What aspect would you want to bring back with you to the twenty-first century?
The commanding officer, Major DeForest, doesn’t trust Jonathan or Savvy. Are the major’s actions justified?
Savvy tells Jonathan she doesn’t remember where her home is, but implies she comes from another country. Where do you believe Jonathan and the other characters suspect Savvy comes from?
During the course of the book, Savvy comes to realize that there is something supernatural or magical occurring around her. What signs led her to this discovery? What signs do you think she missed?
A romantic attraction grew between Savvy and Jonathan during the story. How did it impact their respective goals? Should Savvy have discouraged it?
If you knew there would be no repercussions, with which historical figure from Revolutionary America would you want to have dinner? Why? What questions would you ask?
What do you think happens next in the series? Who do you hope Savvy meets? Where would you like to see her go?
The General’s Watch
Book two
In what ways did Anna’s curse handicap Savvy during the second book? Do you believe Anna was the cause of the fracture to Savvy’s soul?
What memories do you think Savvy recovered by the end of the book that will help her? What important memories were missing?
All of the new named characters (except the redcoats) were real men from history. Which character would you want to meet in real life? Who did you find interesting?
Bose was a real dog from history. What breed do you think he was? Did Savvy make the right choice regarding Bose at the end?
When the family betrayed the American rebels to the British regulars, was appropriate justice enacted on the family? Did the Americans have the right to enact such justice?
Did Savvy and Jonathan kiss in the stairwell?
What were the causes of the food, clothing, and other supply issues at West Point? Do you think those supply issues were over- or under-reported by the officers?
Would you have eaten pigeon, stale cheese, or salted shad?
What do you think is the difference between the Enlightened and Hunters/Seekers? Are they similar?
Which of the brothers was fighting for the “good guys”? Who are the “bad guys” in the story? In the Revolutionary War?
What did you think of Col. John Greaton’s offer to give Savvy a place in his home? Should she have accepted?
What do you think happens next in the series? Who do you hope Savvy meets? Where would you like to see her go?
If your book club is reading The Enlightened series, let me know! I am always happy to join the discussion when possible.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with your questions or comments about The Enlightened.